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Stages of Denial of Genocide

In a lecture at Fresno State University in California, Dr. Taner Akcam, holder of the chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University, presented a summary of the stages of genocide as identified by Professor Michel-Rolph Trouillot in Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History.[1] People in power silence or delete history in

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Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem Mourns and Salutes the Great Researcher of the Armenian Genocide, the late VAKAHN DADRIAN

The Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem Salutes the Memory of the Great Researcher of the Armenian Genocide, Professor VAHAKN DADRIAN We celebrate the masterful significance of Vahakn Dadrian’s numerous researches of the Armenian Genocide.  He was a brilliant and resolute authenticator of the validity of the documentation of the genocide at a

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