Still Another Minimization of the Holocaust

You may be interested in seeing a new publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism: “The Journal of Genocide Research Featured Still Another Minimization of the Holocaust.”

The new article just published analyzes a still more recent major review essay in JGR which is also minimizing any anti-Jewish motivations on the part of the Nazis and attempting to understand major aspects of the Holocaust as part of the larger Nazi worldview that was not really focused on the Jews even when it is specifically Jews who are being transported by the hundreds of thousands to Auschwitz.


The Journal of Genocide Research came under scrutiny in two research studies of readers who are genocide professionals (N=67) and a smaller number of students of Holocaust and Genocide courses (N=39), together N=106. These studies evoked considerable controversy. The present review essay is in response to a subsequent multi-author review in the book forum of the Journal of Genocide Research of two books on the Holocaust, in which both the review essay and the books under discussion are shown to be strong minimizations of the significance of the Holocaust: The thesis advanced is that the extermination of the Jews was not a product of ancient antisemitism-hatred of Jews, but a function of the Nazi vision of creating a new world.

Click here to see the latest article.

For the full history of minimization of the Holocaust by the Journal of Genocide Research, click here.