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Call for Israel to Boycott “Beijing’s Olympic ‘Genocide Games'”

The forthcoming Beijing winter olympics are being boycotted by a growing series of nations, today including Australia, Britain, Canada, and Japan.  The boycott is intended to express a profound protest of Chinese persecution and genocide of the Uyghur people. In Israel, Haaretz has published an editorial page column by Rushan Abbas and Sami Steigmann calling on

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A New Non-Profit in Israel Aims to Gain Public Support to Demand a Moral Standard for All Israeli Arms Sales

A new initiative has been launched in Israel to create a public movement that will demand of the government full information about Israeli arms sales – which are today not public knowledge, and most of all will stand for a requirement that arms sales will need to be reviewed as to their ethical consequences before

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Haaretz Editor and Haaretz Columnist, Gideon Levy, Do Not Expect a Meaningful Response to the New Information about Extensive Genocidal Massacres in the War of Independence

See the Haaretz editorial (December 12, 2021).  Allow the archives to speak.  Haaretz English Edition. On Haaretz website the title of the editorial was changed as follows: Editorial | Israel’s ‘Most Moral Army in the World’ Can’t Keep Running Away From Its Past. “Prime Minister and Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion described the actions as

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Major Revelations of a Wide Array of Genocidal Massacres by Israel of Palestinians in the War of Independence Will Now Force a Reevaluation of the History of the Israeli Policy of “Purity of Arms”

A Jewish historian, Adam Raz, has published in Haaretz a major revelation, “Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in ’48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew: Testimonies continue to pile up, documents are revealed, and gradually a broader picture emerges of the acts of murder committed by Israeli troops during the War of Independence.  Minutes

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Harut Sassounian: Exposing Fake News by Azerbajain

From our Editor: Sadly, news of fake news is an important aspect of tracking contemporary reality.  Moreover, given that the war events between Azerbaijan and the Armenian community in Nagorno-Karabach represent at least symbolically a kind of continuation of the denied Turkish genocide of the Armenians, such fake news becomes part of our continuing study of

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News of Note for Students of Genocide Studies

GERMANY ACKNOWLEDGES FIRST GENOCIDE  OF THE 2Oth CENTURY, THE HERERO AND NAMA Hambira, Kavenam, and Gleckman-Krut, Miriam (July 8, 2021). Germany Apologized for a Genocide. It’s Nowhere Near Enough. New York Times. ED NOTE: This acknowledgment by Germany, at long last, is of great importance to students of genocide, and an important breakthrough in respect of

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“The Family of Genocides Represents a Universal Sickness of Mankind.” A Conversation with Professor Israel Charny by Alessandra Pellegrini De Luca (June 22, 2021). In GARIWO website, Milan, Italy [GARIWO=Garden of the Righteous Worldwide.]  Israel Charny is an Israeli psychotherapist and a well-known genocide scholar. He is a specialist in the treatment of Holocaust survivors,

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Review of Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide by German Genocide Scholar, Tessa Hofmann

The full length review of the book written by distinguished German genocide scholar, Tessa Hofmann can be found here by clicking this link. A somewhat briefer version of this review was published in the California Courier on May 6, 2021. Book Review: “One is either for human life or not!” A review of Israel Charny’s New

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Obituary to a Great American Armenian, VARTAN GREGORIAN

Obituary to a Great American Armenian, VARTAN GREGORIAN Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, formerly President of Brown University, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and President of the New York Public Library has passed away at the age of 87. Dr. Gregorian was the recipient of the American Presidential Medal

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United States Completes Full Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

April 24, 2021 Today, April 24, 2021, Armenian Genocide Memorial Day, is now also the historic day on which the United States of America has completed full recognition of the Armenian Genocide after many years of evasion. In the past there have been sparks of recognition from one or another senior level of American governance,

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Proposed Letter to the Editor Haaretz English Edition

Thank you Ofer Aderet and Haaretz for your meaningful article on May 3, 2021, “How Israel Quashed Efforts to Recognize the Armenian Genocide.” The article definitely succeeds in painting the picture of government – in this case Israel’s Foreign Ministry – lying blatantly, manipulating, invading academic freedom, putting out fake news and more. In this

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How Israel Quashed Efforts to Recognize the Armenian Genocide – to Please Turkey

by Ofer Aderet |  Haaretz English Edition | May 2, 2021 Decades before the U.S. president formally recognized the horrors of 1915, Israel’s Foreign Ministry sought to foil an academic conference on the subject, fearing reprisal from Turkey. ‘We continue to act to reduce and diminish the Armenian issue to the extent of our ability by

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Review of “Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide” by well-known genocide scholar, Tessa Hofmann (Germany)

“One is Either for Human Life or Not!” A major part of this review will also be published in the California Courier. Review of Israel Charny’s New Book, Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide: Denial, State Deception, Truth versus Politicization of History.  Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2021. .by Tessa Hofmann  Review of Israel Charny: Israel’s

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New Book: Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide

by Israel W. Charny When the Turkish government demanded the cancellation of all lectures on the Armenian Genocide at Israel’s First International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide, and that Armenian lecturers not be allowed to participate, the Israeli government followed suit. This book follows the author’s gutsy campaign against his government and his quest

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Recommendations of Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide

Endorsements by GREGORY H. STANTON, ARCHBISHOP MOURAN MANOOGIAN -Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, YAIR AURON, SHMUEL REISS MD, HARUT SASSOUNIAN, SAMUEL TOTTEN, TANER AKÇAM, NAOMI CHAZAN, and ROBERT WILLIAM FISK. ☻’Nobel Prize’ GREGORY H. STANTON, Founding President Genocide Watch, Research Professor in Genocide Studies and Prevention, George Mason University Israel Charny has single-handedly produced at least

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News Stories and Reviews of “Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide”

Note: date above has been forced in order to place post in a proper sequence. Israel Charny Looks Back on the Momentous Conference That Almost Wasn’t by Alin Gregorian, Editor, Armenian Spectator-Mirror (Boston), April 20, 2021 Prof. Israel Charny, a longtime champion of recognition of the Armenian Genocide, is looking back at the uphill

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