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Grave Concerns are Being Expressed of a Looming Genocide of Armenian Civilians by Azerbaijan

Increasingly anguished and angry posts by many genocide watchers are being published these days about the ominous threat of a major genocide by starvation and embargo of the Armenian population in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabach).  The following are two such posts by the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem, the first by Israel W. Charny

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This Kosher Certificate for Azerbaijan Stinks

A group of 50 rabbis from the Rabbinical Center of Europe recently publicized a letter criticizing Armenian leaders for their use of “Holocaust terminology” to describe the current humanitarian crisis faced by the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, inflicted upon them by Azerbaijan. “Expressions such as ‘ghetto,’ ‘genocide,’ ‘Holocaust,’ and others are (…) inappropriate to be part of

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Azeri Massacre of Polish and Jewish Civilians in 1944

With the renewed attention to the threat of possible genocide of the Armenian population in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabach) these days, new attention has been focused on past historical events, among them a massacre of Jewish Poles by the Azeris during the Holocaust. –Ed. Vartanian, Varouj (August 24, 2023). The Massacre of Jews by the Azeri Legion

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