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Hamas Mass Execution in Action… VERY hard to watch

Viewers are cautioned that the following video contains explicit footage of a massacre in process — victims are shot individually and thrown into a mass grave. VIDEO [KW caps for the rest of this line] of actual massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023 by Hamas.  Video received from Prof. Joseph [“Yossi”] Ben-Dak, Ph.D., D.Sc.

How does a person become a bloodthirsty and murderous Hamas member?

HAARETZ | Opinions / November 3, 2023 by Nimrod Aloni I doubt there is a single Israeli, Jew or Arab, who does not ask himself these days the distressing question of how someone can become a bloodthirsty and murderous Hamas member. How does a human being consciously and with great enthusiasm go on a monstrous

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